Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Last Third of Yvain

In the last third of the Knight of the Lion saw incredible character development. Yvain go caught up in his knightly duties and missed the date set forth by Laudine and is thus refused the right to turn home. This seems to be a result of his immaturity. However he then saves a lion from a serpent and fights many more knights after falling into despair he then decides to find himself and face his past and set forth on a quest to self discovery. He eventually finds a dragon and slays it with the help of the lion, who followed and helped him because his heart was pure and his intentions were noble. Yvain then saves his wife's servant and wins her back. It's an interesting turn of events and a typical plot, a man falls, regains his honor and gets his wife back. But I can't help but feel as if the narrative is a bit ordinary. Obviously he had a resppnsibility to protect the fountain and he quest was representative of his maturity. 

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